The death, resurrection and return of Jesus Christ Quiz

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  1. 1. Did Jesus Christ die after he was crucified?

    Do you want to be saved? You have to believe in Jesus and his message of salvation.

    Click to complete our free preparing for baptism lessons on the gospel here and we will personally keep in touch with you as you grow in faith.

  2. 2. Did Jesus Christ rise again after his death?

    Do you want to be saved? You have to believe in Jesus and his message of salvation.

    Click to complete our free preparing for baptism lessons on the gospel here and we will personally keep in touch with you as you grow in faith.

  3. 3. Why did God allow Jesus to die and rise again?

    Do you want to be saved? You have to believe in Jesus and his message of salvation.

    Click to complete our free preparing for baptism lessons on the gospel here and we will personally keep in touch with you as you grow in faith.

  4. 4. Do you believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again after he died?

    Do you want to be saved? You have to believe in Jesus and his message of salvation.

    Click to complete our free preparing for baptism lessons on the gospel here and we will personally keep in touch with you as you grow in faith.

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