I wonder how often we simply stop and reflect on our daily conduct and examine whether it may keep us from God’s kingdom? We are sometimes very conscious of the sins of others that we feel will keep them from entering in. But do we similarly assess our own discipleship? Do we regularly reflect on […]
Author: Ken Chalmers
One body, Many members
In a museum in Florence, Italy, stands one of the world’s great art masterpieces. It was created early in the 16thcentury from a single block of marble by the renowned renaissance artist, Michelangelo. Crowds queue in the street outside for hours to see this remarkable and beautiful statue of the biblical David. The artist has […]
YOU ARE GOD’S TEMPLE! There is an imperative in today’s third reading (1 Corinthians 3) which we MUST learn urgently as disciples of the Lord Jesus. Paul has drawn the attention of the Corinthian believers (ch 1) to the news that he has received of their divisions and arguments. Their divisions were so deep that […]
The undivided heart!
In the 1970’s in Australia, a large international company had a TV advertisement for one of its cheese products in which the slogan was, “I am single minded about KRAFT singles”. The young mother packing her child’s lunch for school advised her audience that when it came to cheese in school lunches, that this particular […]
BEAUTIFUL FEET! Have you looked at your feet recently? If your feet are anything like mine, they’re not the most attractive part of our body! It is unlikely that you will see many social media accounts that have either the profile or background photo featuring feet! Most of us have feet that are unattractive—they can […]
David is described, before he even graces us with his presence in the Scriptural story, in the following terms: “The LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people” (1 Samuel 13 v 14). The final comment on his life and example, over 1,000 years later is […]
Boasting in the Lord!
BOASTING IN THE LORD!What an extraordinary call that Jeremiah makes in today’s reading (ch 9)! Isn’t boasting something we should not do? Jeremiah’s answer from God is almost, ‘no and yes’! Consider what the LORD says: “Wise people should not boast that they are wise. Powerful people should not boast that they are powerful. Rich […]
In fact, Jesus didn’t need to go through Samaria at all. There were other routes that he could have taken that would have avoided the difficulty of traversing Samaritan territory and the unpleasant possibility that he might meet a Samaritan. Samaritans and Jews were not on friendly terms and did not associate with each other […]
He watches over your journey!
So are you tiring yet of ‘lockdowns’, ‘curfews’ and ‘social isolation’? The ‘stay at home’ message which must be well known worldwide, has a certain benefit in health terms. But after a while, the view from our front door or window seems to become tedious and the activities in which we might engage inside our […]
God, our Father, gives us many figures, images and ways in which to learn and develop in our relationship with Him. He knows, because He made us, how different each of us are. That difference is clearly seen for example, in what interests us. I have absolutely no interest in economics. But I am fascinated […]