Bible basic Teachings

Jesus as the word of God

1. Prophecy itself is the word of God. See Malachi 1:1, Zechariah 12:1. When Isaiah for example prophesied, the word of the Lord from his mouth was like a messenger or a person that goes out to perform the task, Isaiah 55:11. This word made sure that every ancestor of Jesus through King David were […]

Bible basic Teachings

Is the Old Testament Bible still relevant today?

Is the Old Testament still relevant? I’ll try to make this post as short as possible. Actually, what we refer to as the Old Testament Bible is the Hebrew Bible. The Jews who graciuosly gave us this religion categorize the so-called Old Testament Bible into three parts: the Torah (The 5 books of Moses), the […]

Bible basic Teachings

Appeal to beloved Messianic Jews to reject trinity!

This is a special appeal to the greatly beloved Messianic Jewish community to reject the pagan trinitarian view of the God of Abraham and Yeshua. The messianic community is very special because they have a leadership role to play in the true Christian community as opposed to the Nicene Christendom. The rest of the Christendom […]

Bible basic Teachings

Why is repentance not only important but essential for salvation?

Why is repentance not only important but essential for salvation? Why does the Father require all His children to repent before forgiveness is granted? Consider how trying to get a morbidly obese person to stop overeating is next to impossible if they don’t admit that they are morbidly obese, and feel uncomfortable enough to actually […]

Bible basic Teachings

Why is there one bible – many churches?

One Bible – Many Churches… Does it Matter What We Believe? booklet by Dennis Gillett Contents: Introduction The Development of Differences The Holy Scriptures Many Churches Does it Matter? What About Tolerance? The Basis for God’s Acceptance Faith in the Word of God Faith or Superstition A Matter of Life and Death The Test of […]

Bible basic Teachings

Bible teaching on “THE LOVE OF MONEY”. It is very important that we also realize the dangers associated with the love of money. The world is already bad as it is, a lot of Crafty individuals who just sit down and begin to think of what people need more than any other thing and that […]

Bible basic Teachings

What does Study to show yourself approved mean?

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. To study means to dedicate oneself to know a particular course. You can’t know a thing without studying and that is why Christaindom is in a bad state.People have refused to […]

Bible basic Teachings Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

Is Yeshua the promised messiah in the Bible or Torah?

Many Jews and those interested in the Hebrew Bible are drawn to learn more about Jesus or Yeshua. They want to know if Yeshua is indeed the true messiah of Israel. Unfortunately, many Jewish rabbi and even Christ do not really understand the true teachings of the Bible and especially the Hope of Israel contained […]

Bible basic Teachings

Hebrews 1:8-9 Explained: “Thy throne O God”

Heb 1:8-9 KJV 8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore *God, even thy God*, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. This verse […]

Bible basic Teachings

John chapter 1:1ff Explained

John chapter 1 starts by saying “In the beginning was the word”. This clearly informs any bible student that John is referring is back to the Creation narrative in Genesis chapter 1. John went on to explain in verse 3 that all things were made by the word of God. How can we understand this? […]