Bible basic Teachings

Obietnica Boga dla Abrahama: Błogosławieństwo dla Wszystkich Narodów

Zacznijmy od historii Abrahama, bogatego człowieka, który mieszkał w Chaldei, obecnie znanej jako Irak. Jeśli istnieje tylko jeden prawdziwy Bóg, a inne bóstwa to tylko idole, to oczekiwalibyśmy, że ten jeden prawdziwy Bóg objawi się ludzkości w pewnym momencie. I właśnie to zrobił Bóg! Mógł objawić się komuś z Europy, Afryki, Azji czy innego miejsca, […]

Bible basic Teachings

The Gospel preached to Abraham

Let’s start the message of the gospel with a man called Abraham, who was a wealthy man living in Chaldea, now known as Iraq. If there is only one true God and the other gods are mere idols, we would expect this one true God to reveal Himself to mankind at some point. That’s exactly […]

Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

The glorious restoration: 2300 days interpreted

Daniel was very privileged to see in a vision the events of his day up to the very end. The number 2,300 evenings and mornings or 2,300 days was earlier revealed to him in Daniel 8:14. Daniel was specifically shown a wicked little horn that invaded Jerusalem, stopped the daily burnt offerings and also set […]

Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

What generation shall not pass away?

After our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of the blossoming of the fig tree, he added that: “34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Matthew 24 The meaning of generation in that context is ‘Those who are alive as I speak’ will not die completely […]

Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

Time of the End revealed? 1290 and 1335 days

After God revealed the 42 months’ timeline for the end time restoration of sovereign state of Israel (1948, 1967) to Daniel in 12:5-7. Daniel was still inquisitive. He perceived that the restoration of Israel was not really the year of the Messiah’s coming. Daniel (v 8) inquired to know what will follow this restoration or […]

Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

2520 years 7 Prophetic times and 1260 days explained

There’s a similarity between Ezekiel 40-48 and Revelation 11:1-2. Ezekiel 40ff. starts with the vision of the angel measuring the glorious kingdom age temple that will be built on the temple mount. While Revelation 11:1,2 measures out the temple but the talks of the trampling down of the mount by the nations. Ezekiel 41 NIV […]

Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

The 2 Witnesses of Revelation explained

Revelation 11 speaks of a vision of 2 witnesses that prophesied for 42 months and/or 1260 days in sackcloth. After which God called them up to heaven (v 12), a judgment was passed (v 13) and the kingdom of God was subsequently established on earth (v 15). I advise you to read entire Revelation 11 […]

Bible basic Teachings Bible Exposition Bible Prophecy

42 months, 1,260 days, 3.5 years in Prophecy

One of the first number in the revelations to Daniel and to John, and also hinted in other scriptures, that will guide us to deciphering the time of the second coming of the Lord is the figure 3.5 years. Sometimes we see it written as ‘a time, times and half of a time’ like in […]

Bible basic Teachings Bible Prophecy

Christians must Watch Israel!

Jesus was kind and generous to tell us the events that will happen before he is manifested to us. He loves his sheep so much. Knowing that we will indeed slack and slumber, he revealed to us the signs that will wake us from sleep and help us set our ways straight before his appearing. […]

Bible Exposition

What Jesus means by ‘No one knows the day nor the hour’

I think the time for the end of all things, the end of the world order as we have it today, is near. But what is even closer is the end of the church age, for the saints must be quietly taken away out of the world to be with their Lord: Yeshua or Jesus […]