Bible basic Teachings

Biblical solution to worry and anxiety in the Christian’s life

BUT AS IT IS WRITTEN: “EYE HAS NOT SEEN,NOR EAR HEARD, NOR HAVE ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.” 1 Cor. 2:9 What is the one thing designed to rob your joy? It is Worry! Worry changes nothing not our circumstances, not the bottom […]

Bible basic Teachings

Did a literal devil tempt Jesus Christ?

Before I answer your question on the temptation of Jesus, let me quickly say this: /On Devil/ The problem is that Christianity is no longer viewed from the Jewish (rabbinical) worldview. Judaism is strictly monotheistic with no room for any god of evil. God claimed responsibility for all good and all evil, light and darkness […]

Bible basic Teachings Bible Prophecy

Israel, World War 1 and World war 2 and Bible prophecy

If you know a bit of modern history, then you will believe the Bible. World War 1 (1914-1918) had nothing to do with the Jews and there was no country known as Israel then But guess what? That war saw the end of the Ottoman Empire that occupied the land of Israel for 400 years. […]

Bible basic Teachings

Serving humbly in love

I wonder how often we simply stop and reflect on our daily conduct and examine whether it may keep us from God’s kingdom? We are sometimes very conscious of the sins of others that we feel will keep them from entering in. But do we similarly assess our own discipleship? Do we regularly reflect on […]

Bible basic Teachings

The commandments of Jesus Christ

SCRIPTURAL GUIDELINES FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING “If you love me, you will obey what I command” John 14:15 THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart. (Matt.22:37) THE SECOND COMMANDMENT 2. Love your neighbour as yourself. (Matt.22:39) JESUS OUR EXAMPLE 3. Take Christ for an example and follow in his steps. […]

Bible basic Teachings

A 10 point summary of the Gospel as it is in the Bible

Please read this very carefully with your bible: This is the summary of the gospel in 10 points that you have to believe before baptism. All of the teaching here is drawn directly from the Bible and all quotation in this page from the New International Version. May God bless you as you read and […]

Bible basic Teachings Faith in God

Was the thief on the cross baptised?

“…I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion” (Exodus 33:19). I am often asked about the thief on the cross. Why did Jesus promise that he would be in paradise? How can we say that baptism is important when this man was […]

Bible basic Teachings

What you should believe to be saved -Summary of the gospel of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ

If you accept this simple message, you will live forever in the coming Kingdom of God and not perish! This is an invitation to Learn the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and be baptized to be saved on the coming Judgement day! All of the teaching here is drawn directly […]

Bible basic Teachings Bible Exposition

How God’s kingdom will be established by Jesus Christ according to Paul

The preaching of the coming kingdom of God on earth and the name of Jesus Christ made up all that one needs to know before he or she is baptized. We see this in Acts 8:12. It is remarkable to note that all the Bible passages speak of the same kingdom of God and no […]

Bible basic Teachings

Jesus as seed of David

The New Testament began with a declaration that Jesus is the son of David. Interestingly, Jesus closed the Book of Revelation by declaring himself to be the root and offspring of David, Rev 22:16.  Why is this important? David loved God so much that once upon a time, he built a big mansion for himself, […]