The name Jerusalem has almost mystical qualities . For people all around the world it is a name that evokes remarkable feelings . Most glorious things have been Spoken of her The Jews have more than emotional feelings about this city in all their generations : Psalm 137: 5-6 / Daniel 6 : 10 . […]
Author: Paul Kalu
You shall have dominion!
God established certain key principles at the very beginning which would work out for good in all human activities , if they were followed . In that sense Adam and Eve were representatives of all humanity and their experiences , for good or I’ll , would be helpful for all their descendants Examining the challenge […]
To crucify the flesh requires a positive , active repudiation ( rejection ) of evil ; to develop Godliness requires humble submission to the will of God – not only on Sundays , but every day . WHAT IS THE POINT OF DEVELOPING GODLINESS ? ” Godliness has the promise that now is , and […]
Life’s crosses
THE CROSS !! YOUR CROSS !!! Text : Mark 10 : 17 – 23 ….v20 , And he answered and said to Him , ” Teacher , all these things I have kept from my youth ” . v21 , Then Jesus , looking at him , loved him , and said to him , […]
The Lord Jesus addressed the scribes and Pharisees in Mk. 3 : 28 , 29 , ” But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit hath never forgiveness , but is in danger of eternal damnation “ BLASPHEME – is to do or say anything that derogate or insults God .Do we wonder , […]
From despair to everlasting joy!
FROM DESPAIR TO JOY .Casting back your minds to the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem: From the excitement of entering into the ” City of the great King ” with the crowds shouting ‘ Hosanna ‘ , the praise and admiration from the people in the City , to the agony […]
Text : 1 Tim. 2 : 20In an Ecclesia ( Church ) there are ” vessels of of gold and silver , wood and earth , some to honour , some to dishonour ” . Each vessel is constructed of a material that is appropriated for it’s purpose . A golden vessel is not used […]
The Christian attitude
ATTITUDE is simply The opinions and feelings that you usually have about something. Attitude of mind is equal to the way of thinking ( perception ) or the way you behave towards someone or in a particular situation , esp. when this shows how you are feeling ( eg. aggressive attitude ) . Altitude on […]