Prophecy time (You have to be really interested in true Bible prophecy and the gospel to read to the end) :
Isa 25:6-11 ISV 6 “On this mountain, the LORD of the Heavenly Armies will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food, a banquet of well-aged wines— rich food full of marrow, and refined wines of the finest vintage 7 And on this mountain, he will swallow up the burial shroud that enfolds all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations— 8 he has swallowed up death forever! Then the Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from all faces, and he will take away the disgrace of his people from the entire earth.” for the LORD has spoken. 9 “And you will say at that time, ‘Look! It’s the LORD! This is our God! We waited for him, and he saved us. This is the LORD! We waited for him, so let us rejoice, and we will be glad that he has saved us.” 10 For the LORD’s power will rest on this mountain, but the Moabites will be trodden down beneath him, just as straw is trodden down in the slime of a manure pit. 11 They will spread out their hands in the thick of it, just as swimmers spread out their hands to swim, but the LORD will bring down their pride, together with the cleverness of their hands.”
A large part of this prophecy will be in the kingdom of God to come on earth. Paul quoted verse 8 and confirms that it will be fulfilled when the messiah, Yahshua or Jesus, comes to reign on earth. I’ll quote Paul so that you’ll know that my interpretation of this prophecy as relating to the kingdom of God to come on earth is accurate.
1Co 15:54-57 ISV 54… then the written word will be fulfilled: “Death has been swallowed up by victory!”… 55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”… . 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus the Messiah!”
So before I go to the part that is fulfilled in our time, the summary of this Isaiah’s prophecy is indeed the gospel. The mountain in question is the same mountain where the future temple of God will be built in Jerusalem. See Isaiah 2:2-5.
This prophecy simply tells us that the messiah who we have been waiting for (v9) will come down to Jerusalem, and when he comes, he will defeat death forever on earth on Jeruselem Mount, And this kingdom of God on earth will spread to all corners of the world from Jerusalem, Israel. I don’t want to write much on this but you can read 1Cor 15:24-28, Rom 11:25-27. This is the truth that unfortunately is not popular again, but the word of God must still come to pass.
Some of the prophecy fulfilled today…
OK the part that is amazing is that according to Isaiah, in verse 25:10, when God through the messiah comes again on that MOUNTAIN, Moab is singled out as the country that will be defeated by him. So why Moab? Who is this Moab? WHAT IS MOAB’S INTEREST ON THIS MOUNTAIN?
Thy country Moab is no more but a quick Google search reveal that the territory known as Moab is in the country JORDAN ?? today. Now although Jerusalem is under Israeli government control since 1967 war, but that particular temple mountain in question is officially under the custody of Jordan since 1924 till today. USA, EU, Arab league recognize Jordan as the custodian. To quote Times of Israel, “The Waqf, a Jordanian-appointed council oversees Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. It claims EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY over the Temple Mount compound and says it is not subject to Israeli jurisdiction. Tensions often escalate at the site.”…/
For your information, this same temple mount is where Jerusalem temple that Solomon built, stood. In place of it is the mosque pictured. We also learn that this is the same special spot where the messiah, Jesus, will build the third temple according to Ezekiel, Isaiah, etc.
Back to our prophecy, why was Moab mentioned in verse 10 and why will she be Gerhard? “For the LORD’s power will rest on this mountain, but the Moabites will be trodden down beneath him, just as straw is trodden down in the slime of a manure pit.”
Now if Moab is indeed Jordan today, do you think that when Jesus comes to take over Jerusalem, she will willingly relinquish her grip over the mountain? Won’t she attack the Lord?
When world leaders allowed Jordan to control this mountain, they never knew they dragged her to fulfill an ancient prophecy of the role of Moab on the holy mountain of God. Things like this should make us believe that the Bible is true, and that what God promised us will also come to pass whether people believe it or not.
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